We’ve spent the last 6 months experimenting with the best stem separation software currently available and I have to say that the results are really impressive!
That brings us onto the exciting bit……
We’re really happy to offer our brand new service
“The Acapella Hub”

Sign-up to The Acapella Hub and get 50 free acapellas with our 7 day free trial.
After 7 days, your membership will start and you will receive another 50 acapellas.
You will then be sent 50 acapellas every month for the duration of your subscription.
Here’s a sample of the March & June 2024 acapellas
Join The Acapella Hub & Get 50 Free Acapellas
If you encounter content on the site that you believe infringes your ownership rights, you may request its removal.
All acapella files downloaded from this platform are protected by copyright belonging to the original owner. They should not be used in commercial projects without explicit permission from the artist(s), label(s), and/or publisher(s) concerned.
If you intend to publish or license original works containing copyrighted material from this site, The DJ Mixtape expects you, as the licensee, to contact the relevant artist(s) for permission.